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Safety Rules

The following Safety Rules are adopted as an integral part of the club's By-Laws.


In order that members may enjoy the use of our club's flying field, our safety rules are the Academy of Model Aeronautics national model aircraft safety code and will regulate all Radio Control flying activities at the Mid-Florida RC Club flying site.


1). All club pilots and guests must hold a current AMA membership or a "temporary receipt" and sign a "Waiver of Liability".

2). New members, novice pilots, student pilots and/or visitors must be asked to demonstrate that they are capable of operating an aircraft in a safe manner or be accompanied by a competent flyer until they are capable of operating an aircraft in a safe manner.

3). The club safety officer is in charge while at the field.  The club's safety officer is authorized to investigate alleged rule violations and to dispense appropriate counseling, warnings or reprimands as needed. Any member who repeatedly ignores the safety rules is subject to disciplinary action by the board of directors.

4). No spectators are permitted in the pit area or at the pilot areas unless invited by a club member.

5). Spectators must stay off the runway at all times.

6). No animals are permitted in the pit area, taxiway, flight line or runway. It is strongly suggested that all pets be on a leash while at the flying field. Please pick up after your pet.

7). No alcohol or drugs are permitted at the flying field. Violation of this rule is grounds for immediate expulsion.

8). Unsportsmanlike and/or uncivil conduct will not be permitted. Violators will be asked to leave the flying field. Continued conduct will be taken to the Board of Directors for disciplinary action.

9). No littering. If you brought it to the field, take it with you.

10). Flying field hours: Dawn to dusk.

11).Violation of club safety rules may result in the loss of club membership.


 Frequency Control:

1). Pilots must use only those radio frequencies approved by the FCC for model aviation.

2). Transmitters on the 72MHz frequency must not be turned on until the pilot has ensured no other members are currently using this frequency.

On the Ground:

1). All pilots are to range check their radio equipment before the maiden flight of a new aircraft or after making major repairs or modifications to an aircraft.

2). Start engines at the pilot flying stations. Airplanes must be physically restrained while starting and running up their engine(s).

3). Taxing from the flying station to the runway is permitted.  However, the plane must be taxied at the slowest possible speed.

4). No pilot may taxi, take off or land in the pit, roads behind pit, or parking area of the flying field. All pilots may taxi from the airplane stand to the edge of the runway. After completing a flight, pilots must turn off the aircraft engine(s) and radio at the edge of the runway before returning to the pit area.

5). Call out all take offs.

6). Before walking onto the runway, a pilot must advise those flying that he/she is going to be on the runway and then get on and off the runway as quickly as possible.

In the Air:

1). All pilots are required to fly their aircraft within the designated flying zone. All pilots must be familiar with the flying zones. The NO FLY ZONE includes the pit area, which is between the runway and the parking fence, the parking area, the pilot shelter, over and west of the road and the tree line at the south of the field. No flying is allowed which requires the pilot to stand east of the runway.

2). All pilots must use the designated "Flight Stations" which is the area located directly in front of the pilot shelter. However, glider pilots may be given a special pilot station location to fly their aircraft. Check with the safety director.

3). Pilots are to stay off the runway except to retrieve an aircraft.

4). No aircraft may be flown in a dangerous or careless manner.

5). All aircraft will not exceed a takeoff weight of 55 pounds unless in compliance with the AMA Large Model Aircraft Program (AMA document 520-A).

6). Pilots are asked to utilize a flying pattern or general direction of flight when there is more than one aircraft in the air. The patterns will be dictated by the wind direction and shall be utilized so that take-offs and landings are into the wind.

7). It is recommended that each pilot have a spotter with them at the flight line when there are more than three planes in the air.

8). No more than 4 aircraft may be flown at one time during normal club operation. Exceptions can be made by the safety officer for special occasions such as contests.

9). All low level 3D, aerobatics and low level flying must be done no closer than the center-line of the runway. AMA's rule is no closer than 25 feet to any person.

10). Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch a model aircraft in flight while it is still under power, except to divert it from striking an individual.

11). All aircraft on final approach has right of way over any aircraft waiting to take off.

12). Gliders, multi-engine aircraft and dead-stick aircraft have the right of way.

13). All internal combustion engines must be properly muffled to meet AMA standards.


Special Items:

1). No plane should fly higher than 400 feet during the daily Fantasy of Flight airshow. Normally held between 1pm and 2pm.

2). Be alert for full size aircraft flying low towards and over the field. To be safe, land all model planes until the danger passes.

3). Report any vandalism, safety, or security concerns to the safety officer.

4). No starting any airplane or helicopter engine in the pole barn area.

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